This year, Holly and I represented Team Vogel-Da and the Sirens. We got sprinkled on a bit, but the temperature was comfortable. There were more families with small children in attendance, and the little ones seemed to have a great time splashing in puddles.
Blurry image of the cackler flock
Although the big cackler fly-off wasn't as massive as the last two years, it was still impressive. And even a bad day birding is better than a good day working - unless your job is birding. As we strolled along the levees, we also saw northern shovelers, greater scaups, green-winged teals, buffleheads, pied-billed grebes, tundra swans, Canada geese, snow geese (?), Ross' geese, great egrets, marbled godwits, a northern harrier, song sparrows and violet-green swallows. Marsh wrens scolded from under cover.
Holly has a nifty video of some of the geese flying over.