Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I've been feeding peanuts to the corbies for a couple of months. They are often lined up on the power line waiting for their morning snack, and can become quite vocal if I'm late. A peanut shell mulch is forming on the lawn...


  1. I wonder if there are "shoppers" among these guys also? There definitely are among my Steller's jays: birds that pick up and test several nuts before they choose one to take, with quite pronounced individual differences - shopping behavior and shopping styles being pretty consistent between individual birds over time.
    ...would be cool to figure out if crows do that too - not that you could keep track of individual differences easily with such a gaggle of unmarked birds, but just to see in general if some birds do it...

  2. I think I've seen some shopping. Others definitely grab and fly. I'll keep a better eye out.
