The fuchsias, hydrangeas and roses are still going strong. I really like the fringed hydrangea shown above. Unfortunately I don't know it's name; I may have gotten it as a cutting.
The "Garnet" callas are going great guns. I'm glad that they are hearty plants. While house-sitting, my friend Jyl saw a tiny treefrog sitting in a calla cup. Sadly, there was no nearby camera. I need to stake out the calla patch in hopes of seeing one.

The lavenders are past their prime, but the honeybees and wild bees are still loving them. The bees are also working the abelia, crocosmia and gladiolus. Unfortunately, my "Starburst Panache" sunflowers are pollenless. They're pretty, but next time I'll get pollen-licious sunflowers.

I'm trying to resist pulling out all the Crocosmias. They're rather invasive but pretty, especially when poking up behind or through some other plant. I'll continue to yank up the big clumps, just to keep them from taking over the world.
The blueberries are all done. I need to plant more, and get a wider span of ripening times. The "King" apples are starting to fall, and tomatoes are getting plump. So far I've harvested about 9 pounds of potatoes from a few volunteer patches I keep in the garden. More potato tops are dying back, so I need to look again.
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