While I was doing all that, another hive swarmed. The bees came boiling out of the hive. I wish I'd caught that on video, but was busy with the first hive. As usual, they landed in the apple tree. I did get some photos and video of them flying and alighting - pretty nifty. I set up another nuc and collected them. It was the first time I didn't suit-up, and was bare-handed (I did have my veil on). It was a bit unnerving when I shook the branch, and had a mass of bees fall on my arm, but they were mellow. I did get stung once - maybe one got between my arm and the tree?

I reported on this on FB, and a beek friend who's keeping a split of her own over here said she'd seen bearding on one of my hives the day before. -But it was a different hive. >sigh< I suppose I need to make a split of that one today. Actually, I'm going to Demaree that one. I just hope the queen doesn't decide to swarm anyway. But I have a lure hive up in the apple tree, just in case.
I love my bees, but am starting to wonder about the time I need to spend on them. Another >sigh<.
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