Friday, May 15, 2009

Bloom Day May 2009: Crazy for Columbines

I am really fond of columbines. They may not be my absolute favorite garden flower, but they are in the top five. I have a lot of varieties, many of which have hybridized with the others. The above is, I think, and example. It's pretty darned punky.

I also love irises. The above Louisiana hybrid is a recent acquisition from Singing Tree Gardens. The Pacific Coast hybrids are nearly done, and I'm waiting for the Siberian irises to start. I'm not sure if my Japanese irises will ever bloom. I probably have them in the wrong place.

The roses are also starting to come into their own. Most of ours have been living in pots for about 20 years because I still haven't made a place for them in the few sunny beds we have. But they are troopers, and are generous with flowers when I keep them fed. Above is a "White Butterfly". Karin got this and two other varieties at a job site many years ago. The property was occupied by greenhouses, and was due to be developed for housing. One tenant, Doctor Moray, told her to take whatever plants she wanted. She thinks he bred this one and another white rose she calls "Doctor Moray". I prefer the "White Butterfly" because it has a scent, but both are lovely.

I once lived in a house that had a mock orange in the garden, and fell in love with it. I discovered this plant in our "jungle" after thinning out the area. At the time, I didn't know what it was, but found it blooming the next spring. It has thrived with a little extra sun. It has a lovely citrus scent.

Until I started this Bloom Day series, I hadn't realized how long some plants had flowers. I would note some start and stop dates on the calendar, but would often forget as one faded and another began rioting. The magnolia, hellebore and wood hyacinth have surprised me with their blooming longevity. Others are very brief, perhaps appearing for only one Bloom Day.

The entire album of May flowers can be viewed in the slideshow below, or at my Picasa site.

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