My eldest, Kalen graduated from Humboldt State University this morning. She now has a BA in Art. She has an eye for photography, and loves the printing processes involved. She's considering going for an advanced degree soon. She also does very well with graphic design. I'm so proud! Her girlfriend Alyx came up from SF to see her take the walk.
We celebrated with brunch at Golden Harvest Cafe, followed by a matinee to see the new Star Trek movie. Plus, the fog cleared and gave us a warm afternoon. All in all, a grand day!
I was reminded that the commencement guest speaker was Dan Curry, the visual effects producer for the modern Star Treks. Kalen complained that he didn't talk about Star Trek. But I liked his speech, which was about the things he learned in the Peace Corps, and how that applied to his life today. Wisdom is wasted on the young.