Once again our intrepid beek has ventured into the bees’ domain. There were two frames well filled with capped brood (pupae). These were last week’s fat larvae. I was able to identify several capped drone pupae – they’re larger than workers, so their cell caps stick up like warts. The eggs have become larvae, and more eggs have been laid. I didn’t see Queen Boudica, but she’s been around recently. I’ll not fret unless she & eggs are missing next week. I don’t want to pester the hive too much, so I will be patient.
This week I’ve been seeing the bees work in the garden,

mostly on some kale and bok choi, which I let flower for the benefit of bees & other helpful insects. The pollen from these plants is dull yellow-green, which is mostly what I saw in the hive. The bees’ “saddlebags” have certainly been loaded lately. I am well pleased that the bees are making use of my garden. I expected them to find something more attractive further away. They haven’t been consuming much of the sugar water I give them. I suppose they’re getting plenty of nectar while foraging. We’ll see if there’s an increase in consumption after the first of the brood emerge next week.

There was a fair bit of pollen on the hive’s bottom board, so I collected it and ate it. I guess the pollen is mixed with a bit of nectar, because it was sweet. It also had a bit of a zingy, peppery bite. It’s supposed to be good for a person, with Amazing! properties. If I develop super bee powers or something, I’ll let you know.
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